Introduction & Discounts
Arcane Minis 2nd Annual Print & Paint!
Hello! Welcome to our 2nd Print & Paint Competition! We did our first one back in 2021 and we had such an amazing amount of entries and support for that campaign!
This year, we have decided to expand the competition a little bit and make it easier for more people to win and feel like their entries are being seen!
6 Entry Categories & $1000s in Prizes!
Unlike the first time around, we have 6 categories to enter into! This means the prizes are more dispersed over a larger group of talented people painting all sorts of different miniatures!
Sponsored By Phrozen
Phrozen has been our favoured company to partner with for ages. We have partnered with them again for this prize pool and have gotten everyone 15% off their entire online store! This coupon lasts until May 31st.
Use code 22PRAMDP15 on the Phrozen website
Please note: Winners will be responsible for any shipping fee & duties in their countries.
For shipping restrictions, please visit this link
Rules & Conditions
In order to submit a valid entry for the Airship Print and Paint Competition, you will have to adhere to the following rules!
Competition Rules
1. Arcane Minis Airships Only
All airships must be from the Arcane Minis range of airships. You may use any of the airships we have sold in any of our Kickstarters or Patreon/Tribe. If you are unsure, please ask on our Discord before you continue with completing your entry.
2. Arcane Minis Miniatures Only
For single entry miniatures categories, you may only submit Arcane Minis miniatures.
Exception: For the Diorama and Airship categories, you may have items such as barrels, nets, planks, trees, etc from other creators. You are still restricted to only use Arcane Minis miniatures for all monsters, characters and airship models.
3. Printer & Painter Restrictions
All submissions must be painted by the submitter’s own hands however, unlike our last airship campaign, you may have someone else print you the miniatures or airships.
4. Photography & Staging
You may enlist the help of others for taking pictures, lighting and staging the miniatures for your entry submission images.
5. Multiple Entries
Multiple entries are allowed! If you have certain models that may apply to multiple categories, you may submit them in any category they apply to. For example, if you have a skycoach size airship to submit, you may submit to the Skycoach Class Airships category and you may also use it in an entry for the Diorama category if the miniature is to be used in your diagram.
6. Past Entries
Have you painted an airship or a miniature before for one of our other painting competitions? Unfortunately, you cannot resubmit an entry from a past competition on its own, but you can use your past airships and miniatures in the Diorama Category. You must, however, have at least one other airship in the diorama that is newly printed and submitted uniquely for this competition.
7. Entry Date & Time
Submissions to the competition will be accepted from March 31st until May 31st – two months. The method of submission will be opened here on the main Arcane Minis website. We will be announcing the opening of submissions on the Discord, Facebook, and through a Newsletter. We recommend joining the Discord to stay up to date with any painting competition updates
General Judging Criteria
1. Paint Job
The most important factor is having a fully painted miniature or airship done by your own hand. The more advanced techniques used on singular miniatures, the better. For airships (especially the larger one), the paint job is still a very important factor, but the story told is also important!
2. Print Quality
Layer lines and such will not be a huge factor. Some people don’t have dialed in settings and they will not be penalised for this, however sometimes a poor print job can hurt a paint job, so keep that in mind!
3. Picture Quality
Almost as important as the paint job and printed model, is making sure your pictures are clear enough to see the beautiful work you have done! If you’re not great at taking pictures, you can ask a friend for help! This is the only part of the competition you may have someone else do for you if you’re unable to provide decent results. No one should have their beautiful work held back by bad pictures!
4. Composition
For the more complex categories such as Airships or Dioramas, composition of the photographs and the action on the airship or in the diorama itself will matter. Try to tell a story!
5. Digital Enhancement
You may digitally enhance or “post edit” your submission photos. You may not paint or modify the actual paint job through photo editing such as fixing blemishes. Adding things like backgrounds, clouds, and other atmospheric effects are allowed so long as they are not modifying the paint jobs themselves. Your presentation will matter. Often less is more.
6. Bonus Criteria
In addition, if you are trying to earn extra points for you submission, there are many things you can do to improve your entry. Things like completing the interior of your airships, making scenes on the inside or outside of your airsihps, using multiple monsters and characters in interesting ways. Anything you can do to spice up your entry in its store or lore capacity will help you when judging comes!
Dreadnought or Cruiser Class Airship
Enter a single large sized airship we have created! Make it snazzy! People that print the massive behemoths will truly be printing to impress. Please see Rules & Conditions for more information!
Category Places & Prizes
1st Place
- 1x Sonic Mighty 4k
- 6kg Phrozen Aqua Gray 4k Resin
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
2nd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
3rd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
Single Monster Miniature
Enter a single monster miniature. Anything larger than a “Small” or “Medium” sized creature/NPC qualifies for this category! Please see Rules & Conditions for more information!
Category Places & Prizes
1st Place
- 1x Sonic Mini 4k
- 3kg Phrozen Aqua Gray 4k Resin
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
2nd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
3rd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
Skycoach Class Airships
Enter a single skycoach sized airship model! Our smallest models but they can pack a wide range of character! Please see Rules & Conditions below for more information!
Category Places & Prizes
1st Place
- 1x Sonic Mini 4k
- 3kg Phrozen Aqua Gray 4k Resin
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
2nd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
3rd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
Single Character Miniature
Enter a single 32mm character miniature of any of the 100s we have created! Please see Rules & Conditions for more information!
Category Places & Prizes
1st Place
- 1x Sonic Mini 4k
- 3kg Phrozen Aqua Gray 4k Resin
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
2nd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
3rd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
For this one, we want your creativity to fly high. You can use any and all of our miniatures in any kind of creative way you can think of! Please see Rules & Conditions for more information!
Category Places & Prizes
1st Place
- 1x Sonic Mighty 4k
- 6kg Phrozen Aqua Gray 4k Resin
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
2nd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
3rd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
Destroyer or Frigate Class Airship
Enter a single destroyer or frigate sized airship model from the list below! Please see Rules & Conditions for more information!
Category Places & Prizes
1st Place
- 1x Sonic Mini 8k
- 3kg Phrozen Aqua Gray 4k Resin
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
2nd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
3rd Place
- 1x Airship Campaigns Hardcover Book
- 1x Airship Map Tiles Set of your choice
- $50 Coupon for the Airship Campaigns Physical Merch Store
The above images are just examples of miniatures and airships you may use to enter the competition with. Any other miniature(s) that fit into these specific categories that we produce, you may use for your entry. You may also use any miniatures we release between the start and end of the competition that fit into each category.
Please note: Winners will be responsible for any shipping fee & duties in their countries.
For shipping restrictions, please visit this link
How to Enter
Submission Start Date
March 31st
Submission End Date
July 17th (Extended from May 31st)